Want to Know How You Can Stop Your Meniere’s Vertigo Dizziness Now?

This Kindle Book Shows You How

With a Simple, Natural, Inexpensive System You Can Start Today

Due to popular demand…the book, Stop Menieres Disease, is now only available on Amazon Kindle.

I have been taking your protocol for Meniere’s for about 10 days now and I have magnificent things to report. Prior to the use of the lemon bioflavonoids, and vinpocetine, I had continuous pressure, about 90% hearing loss, and experienced vertigo attacks 3 times a week. Nothing provided relief from the dizziness or vertigo.

Now the pressure is virtually eliminated, the vertigo attacks have stopped, the dizziness which affected me in between attacks is gone, and my hearing has improved to about 50%. –B.N.

I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease back in Oct of 2012. The next 4 months of my life were a nightmare. I had over 14 extreme dizzy attacks in just one month. I had to give up my consulting career, driving a car and living alone. I was not ready to quit on life. I went to 5 medical doctors, one of them was an ENT (Ear Nose Throat specialist).

No one knew what caused this nor how to get rid of it. I was told I would have to adjust and learn to live with it and cut down on my salt. Other options were anti-dizzy drugs and surgery. I started on the regimen defined inside the Meniere’s Whisperer book because it made sense and I was right. After over 30 attacks in 4 months time I went down to 2 in two years time.

Now I am 6 years symptom free. It works. If you have had chicken pox and/or shingles, and have now been diagnosed with this horrible disease and are experiencing the symptoms that go with it, you need to run not walk to get this book. –M.C.

86% Have 100% Results – Read Here

I started on your regimen 4.5 weeks ago, and aside from a mild dizzy spell at the beginning, I haven’t had a full blown attack! My brain fog has cleared, I am able to think clearly again, in short you have, through your regimen, given me back my life prior to MM. (Morbus Meniere – German for Meniere’s disease) –J. P.

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